Nick Heiden is a dedicated Physician Assistant (PA-C) whose journey in the field of Men's Sexual Health has led him to NEMH. Nick holds a Masters in Physician Assistant Studies, earned from Marywood University. His professional history includes serving as a Surgical PA at Danbury Hospital, where he honed his skills and gained invaluable experience. In this role, his goal is to consistently deliver high-quality medical care, demonstrating his diligence to patient well-being.
What sets Nick apart is his passion for helping men find a safe space to seek sexual health treatment, a vital and often underappreciated aspect of healthcare. This passion led him to the team at Northeast Men's Health, where he saw the exciting potential for growth and impact in the field of Men's Health. As a member of the NEMH staff, he is determined to educate patients and provide viable solutions to their sexual health concerns. Through his experience across various medical specialties, Nick has found that men often don't prioritize their health. His goal is to change this mindset, guiding patients towards achieving optimal sexual health and overall well-being.
Outside of his professional endeavors, Nick enjoys moments spent with family and friends, practicing jiu-jitsu, and playing the ukulele in his free time.